WORD: ‘Finding Favour with God’
In Luke 1:26-28, God sends an angel to a virgin called Mary. ‘And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, you that art highly favoured, the Lord is with you: Blessed are you among women’. This most powerful promise of God was about to explode into His Plan and Purpose of ‘New Beginnings’.
The message was delivered specifically by the angel Gabriel; thus, it was no ordinary ‘Word’ from the Lord. What Mary was about to hear was the fulfilment of a Promise that would finally bring the long-awaited hope, joy, peace, mediation, liberation, salvation, and redemption that her people so desperately needed. Over the next few days, we are going to unpackage fourteen blessings contained in Luke chapter one.
The days we are living in is not much different to that of Mary. Certainly, we are aware that our cultures, customs, ethnicities, and historical backgrounds has changed, but our associated realities still connect us. Just like Mary, you too may feel displaced, overlooked, d