The Power of the Highest Shall Overshadow You

The Power of the Highest Shall Overshadow You

The Eleventh Blessing

Today we will be reflecting on the eleventh blessing found in Luke 1:30-38

‘The Power of the Highest Shall Overshadow You’

Blessings ten and eleven are very much closely connected, and they are declared by the Angel Gabriel as a direct answer to a question posed by Mary: ‘How shall this be seeing I know not a man?’. (Luke 1:34-35) The question is not an unusual one, it is a common thread that runs throughout the entire Scriptures.

Sarah asked: How can this be when, ‘I have grown old… my husband old also?’ The Lord answered: ‘Is there anything too hard for the Lord? (Genesis 18:14)

Moses asked: How can this be when ‘I am slow of speech and tongue?’.
The Lord answered: ‘I will help you and teach you what to say. (Exodus 4:10-12)

Hannah asked: How can this be because ‘the Lord had closed her womb’.
The Lord answered: ‘Go in peace…your petition shall be granted’. (1 Samuel 1:11-17)

Gideon asked: How can this be when ‘My tribe is the weakest…and I am the least?’
The Angel

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