Talitha Cumi – Qualified To Unlock Gates and Open Doors
People of God, every person has a ‘gate’. Your ‘gate’ operates at a portal or a gateway into your purpose. Your gate (your portal), is there for your protection and it keeps your possessions safe. Your gate also acts as a doorway or point of access for the transferal of wealth and resources. Scripture informs us that there is a ‘thief’ who is prowling around looking and seeking to steal, kill, and destroy. (John 10:10).
Today, I am here to declare that Jesus is passing your way. Jesus knows where your ‘gate’ is. Jesus knows your door number. Jesus knows the occupants of your home. Jesus knows your pain, your frustrations, your disappointments, your grief, and your loss. Jesus sees your tears and he hears your cry. John 10:10 wants us to know that despite the ‘prowling adversary’, Jesus is here to give us ‘Abundant Life’ [a Proper & Full Life]: Thus, we shall recover all.
Scripture makes us aware that Jesus had no reason to come to Nain, but He had an appointment at that particular ‘city gate’. As we continue to read this story, we realise that there was a critical situation Jesus had to deal with at that ‘gate’. Jesus had to do a reset, because enough was enough. When Jesus shows up, know this, something is about to happen. People of God, is this Word speaking to you today? Do you need a ‘reset’ in your life? I am talking about ‘total restoration’. I am letting the enemy know that he needs to release my ‘goods’. So, I open my mouth and shout ‘RESET’, in Jesus’ Name.