‘Finding Favour With God’

Finding Favour With God

Our theme Scripture for 2023, focusses mainly on Mary, the mother of Jesus. What really stands out in this passage is the ‘favour of God’. As I reflect on the salutation given to Mary by the angel of the Lord, I am reminded of ‘the prayer of Jabez’, found in 1 Chronicles 4:9-10. ‘Now Jabez was more honourable than his siblings, even though his mother called his name…’pain’. [Nevertheless], Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, oh that You would bless (or favour) me indeed. Keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain’. For Jabez to move forward, he had to forget his past. The verse ends by saying, ‘So God granted him what he requested’. Hallelujah.

Our God is most certainly ‘a Holy God’, but that does not mean He is miserly, tightfisted, cheap, mean, stingy, heartless, or uncaring. Rather, God is extraordinarily gracious, extravagantly kind, extremely approachable, always accessible, exceedingly lavish, abundantly generous, and an amazing Father to be around.

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