‘It Too Shall Pass…You’re Coming Out Singing’
‘Sing, O barren’, is a command that could easily cause much contention and vexation of spirit. How can a person who is considered to be barren, sing? How can a person sing if there are no ‘figs…on the vines…the olive tree is failing…the fields are not yielding any food…and no herd in the stalls? Nevertheless, Habakkuk seemed to have caught the vision of Isaiah, as he too declares, ‘Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in the God who saves me. The Lord is my strength; He makes my feet like deer’s feet. The Lord causes me to walk on high places’. (Habakkuk 3:17-19)
When God calls for us to sing, something is about to shift. What God is looking for is our ridiculous surrender to Him, despite going through a dire situation. It is our surrender and obedience to God that activates a supernatural move of God. Scripture has proven time and time again the power of complete obedience, even when the request seems so illogical. Everything in our natural mind is telling us that God is not being rational or reasonable. During these times, it feels as if God takes delight in making us look like fools. Has the Lord ever asked you to do something ridiculous? Something that does not seem to portray your present reality! Is God asking you to sing even whilst the tears are steaming down your face? Is God asking you to give even in the midst of your financial lack! Is God asking you to pray for others even though your own situation is ‘on the point of death’! Perhaps, like Esther… you do not have the right to go into the King’s chamber because you have not been summoned. Yet, you hear yourself saying, ‘If I perish, I perish, I must see the King’. Joshua was commanded to march around Jericho and shout…how ridiculous that must have felt. How can I worship like Paul in the face of death? Yet, this is what The Lord is commanding us to do. Our singing is not just about the sound of a melody or creating a tune. Our ‘singing’ is about trusting God, and believing that He will bring us out, despite the outward wreckage.
The enemy’s intention was for you to go crazy. The enemy thought it was all over, he wanted to keep you bowed over, ashamed, and afraid. Yet here you are singing. This type of ‘singing’ did not come from a hymnal; neither was it duplicated from another worship team; It wasn’t replicated or forged from the internet. This song was birthed out of the fire of affliction, and from the Alter of worship. Thus, this is no ordinary singing, this is the sound breakthrough, change, and the great emerging of God’s people into complete victory.