Prophetic Word: Acts 12vs12-13 Day 9
The enemy is hard at work operating through this ‘present-day system’, making lives bitter with hard bondage. The enemy is wise in the way this system works, he has had years of practice and has seen some great results. When the Bible refers to ‘systems’, it is pointing at different state of affairs operating during different time frames. Each time frame has its own distinguishing feature. In Matthew 16:18, we learn that there is a place where ‘principalities and powers meet, called ‘the gates of hell’, their intention is to infiltrate and contaminate this world-system. Examples of such systems can be found in Exodus 1:13-14, here we are told that the Egyptians made the Children of Israel to serve without mercy, ‘They made their lives bitter with hard bondage…all their service was with rigour, [severity and hardship]’.
The Philistinian champion, Goliath, represented another form of ‘oppressive system’, using weaponries of manipulation, domination, fear, and control, (1 Samuel 17).
Jericho’s wall was an ‘impenetrable political system’, not just because it was made of strong, iron-like material but because it had a ‘strong-man’ blocking Israel’s progress to the promise, (Joshua 5-6).
Acts 12:1-6, highlights yet another ‘world system’, operating through King Herod, whose intent it was to ‘vex the Church’.
People of God, we must not be ignorant of such systems, they are strategically positioned to irritate, frustrate, hinder, oppose, obstruct, oppress, and destroy God’s people. However, Matthew 16:18 goes on to inform us that, though the enemy may strategize and plan, ‘the gates of hell will never prevail’ (Matt 16:18). When the Church connects together and pray, we come into alignment and allegiance with God’s Kingdom Rule and Realm. God’s Sovereignty is supreme, absolute, ultimate, and final. You were destined to win. That is why we pray, ‘Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory. For ever and ever, Amen, (Matt. 6:13). Selah.