Prophetic Word: ‘God’s Covenant Over You Is Eternal’
A ‘spirit of low self-esteem and self-worth’ has a way of destroying a person’s confidence, dignity, respect, and value concerning their purpose. These feelings of ‘low-self-worth’ often lead to poor life choices; we begin to accept ‘anything’ and ‘anyone’ that comes our way. People of God, it is not my intention to offend anyone, I just want to honestly explore some of the personal issues taking place in this passage of Scripture.
In Acts 12, we are introduced to a young woman by the name of Rhoda. In other Biblical translations, she carries many other labels, such as: ‘Damsel’, (KJV); ‘Servant-girl’ (NIV); ‘Maid’, (ASV); And even ‘Slave’ (ESV). These name-tags has the capacity to leave a person feeling insignificant, irrelevant, and base, (at the bottom of the ladder). When we carry feelings of inferiority, we tend to gravitate towards people who are like-minded. Feeling ‘less-than’ everyone else, can lead us to accept or tolerate anyone as a friend, even those who are destructive, abusive, harmful, negative, and critical.
That’s why I love Ezekiel 16:4-14, (Please have a read when you can). It speaks of God’s love for us when we were most rejected. It is quite graphic, as it describes how we were thrown into the ‘open fields’ at birth. Our parents didn’t even bother to first clean away the blood. But the Lord saw us and shouted, ‘Live’. The Lord picked us up, covered our nakedness, washed away the blood, anointed us with salt, clothed us with designer outfits, lavished us with gold, silver, and Precious Stones: We lacked nothing. Furthermore, God sealed His love, by making a Covenant with Himself over us, to care for us, come what may. It was an Eternal Covenant.
People of God, be mindful of your environment, you were not created to be only tolerated for the service you render. Your worth is not wrapped up in only what you can give to that friend or group. It is not healthy to stay in an environment where you are only tolerated rather than appreciated and celebrated. The Lord has made you worthy. The Lord says you are valuable and precious. If you ever forget, go back to His Word: Your ‘title-deed’. The Bible affirms you in ‘quality’ not ‘quantity’ and if He says you are ‘qualified’, then that settles it.