Acts 12 vs 12-13 Day 18

WORD: ‘My Sheep Knows My Voice’

Acts 12 vs 12-13 Day 18

It was through deceit, that Adam and Eve handed over their keys of ‘Eden’ to the enemy. Jesus had to come and perform a ‘reset’ at the darkest doorway called ‘Golgotha’. Golgotha was a place where the strongman called ‘death’ guarded its gates. Nevertheless, the Blood of Jesus was so powerful, it broke the curse; It went into the regions of hell shattering these gates. Then, rising up, Christ took back the keys of death, hell, and the grave’. Today, we are able to declare, ‘Oh grave where is thy sting, oh death where is thy victory?’ Jesus rose from the dead holding the key to life, and because Jesus lives, we are also alive… in Christ.

People of God, we are fully aware that there are certain localities that are controlled by ‘principalities, powers, the rulers of darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places’ (Eph 6:10). The sole purpose of these ‘principalities’ is to stand at our ‘door’ as a ‘strong-man’, with the intent to: block us; frustrate us; hinder our progress; and keep us enslaved by an ‘Herodian spirit’.

However, because we are ‘Covenanted’ to Yahweh, He has assured us that we are firmly rooted on the ‘Rock…And the ‘gates of hell’ shall not prevail against us’. In other words, the ‘gates of hell’ shall never prevail against the ‘Gates of Heaven’. Furthermore, the Lord has made available further artillery, which are the ‘Keys to the Kingdom of heaven’, that ‘Whatsoever, we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever we set loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven’ (Matt.16:18-19).

Another word of caution. Doors are often personal domains, especially ‘doors’ that lead into your personal space. Not everyone should have access to this ‘door’, hence the need for keys. The enemy can be likened unto a ‘salesman’. A salesperson will first come to your door, with the hope that you will invite them in. Once they gain access into your personal space, their next intent is to ensure that their produce (stuff) is left in your home. This is the intent of the enemy; his objective is to deposit his ‘mess’ in your private space. People of God, stand at the door: Watch and wait. The Lord will appear, and you will know Him, because Jesus said, ‘My sheep knows My voice’.

– Father, You have called us to be sober, to watch, to pray. To be wise.
– You promised that we will never be a reproach. Therefore, we will not be afraid, and we will do great exploits. (Joel 2:18-28).
– Poverty will not be our portion. Our floors shall be full of wheat and our vats shall overflow with wine and oil.
– Today, we rebuke the cankerworm, the caterpillar, the palmerworm, and the locust.
– We shall testify that the Lord has done wondrous things for us. We will never be put to shame. Amen.

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