Acts 12 vs 12-13 Day 16

WORD: ‘The power of Gates & Doors’

Acts 12 vs 12-13 Day 16

‘Gates’ in Biblical Israel were not just doorways into a city, it was a place where, Kings pronounced judgements, Prophets cried out, and the Elders met. Such gates acted as a meeting point for people to sit, mingle, transact, buy, sell, and barter for goods. Having a base at the city-gate, was advantageous for monitoring, surveying, and detecting anything coming in or going out of the city. Rahab was not an ordinary ‘prostitute’, she was also used as a ‘spy’ for the land of Jerico.

People of God, there is much to be gleaned about the unseen power of ancient doors and gates. Abraham understood the spiritual implications of these ‘doorways’, including its residing strongmen. Everywhere Abraham went, he built an altar, calling on the Name of the Lord. We are also commanded ‘not to be ignorant concerning the devices of the devil’. Bartering, buying, selling, monitoring, and surveying does not only involve our natural realm, but this also incorporates the spirit realm. The enemy will seek to ‘barter’ (trade and bargain) over your purpose, your health, your children, your personal devotion, your destiny, and your future. The enemy’s ultimate plan is for you to sell him your soul. Today I declare that our ‘repositioning’ will not be high-jacked, curtailed, or blocked. We are seated with Christ in high places, far above principalities’. We will arise to Plow down demonic barricades. Every demonic market, we declare the fire of God, and we take back these territories for Jesus.

Wherever in Scripture doors are mentioned, quite often there is some type of major transitioning, shifting, alteration or restoration taking place.

For the People of God, these ‘door-ways’ act as a connection between earth and heaven, creating a ‘portal’ for God to meet with, and bless His people. Sarah’s conception commenced at the tent gate (Gen 18:1-19); Jacob fell asleep at a ‘spiritual portal’ and saw a ladder stretching from earth to heaven. Jacob woke up declaring, ‘This is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven’ (Genesis 28:12-17). The Passover occurred with blood smeared over the gate-post (Exodus 12:22-23); Laws were changed and Zelophehad’ Daughters received their inheritance at the ‘tent door’ (Numbers 27:6-7); Ruth claimed her Boaz at the city-gate (Ruth 4:1-8); In 1 Sam. 1:9, Eli, the High Priest was at the doorway of the temple when he saw Hannah praying. Nine months later, Samuel was born. And in Acts 3, we read about the healing of a lame man at a Gate called ‘Beautiful’.

Today, your miracle is standing at the gate, when it knocks, answer: ‘It is none other but the ‘House of God’ and the ‘Gate of heaven’. Hallelujah.

– Today, I come into a fresh ‘Covenant Relationship’ with my Father.
– We will be called ‘The repairer of the breach. The restorer of paths to dwell in’ (Is. 58:12). We declare the fire of God on every Jerico wall. In Jesus’ Name.
– This is my season to shatter evil gates, possess supernatural gates, and restore Kingdom gates. Father, veto and reverse every evil gathering and reduce their gates to rubble. In Jesus’ Name.
– I will remain at my gate and listen for the knock. This is my season to conceive again and receive my miracle. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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