In this season, THE Lord will:
REDEEM: Time lost
RESTORE: What was stolen
RENEW: Grace & Favour
Revelation 3:8
‘Behold, I Have Set Before You An Open Door That No One Can Shut’
Prayer Focus: “Restoration and Recovery: Aligning Yourself for What God Will Restore”
Joel 2:25-26
‘God’s promise to restore what was lost’
Job 42:10
‘Double restoration after a season of suffering’
Jeremiah 30:17
‘Healing and restoration fir the rejected’
Proverbs 6:30-31
‘Divine Justice: the thief must repay sevenfold’
Zachariah 9:12
‘Hope in God leads to a double portion’
1 Samuel 30:18-19
‘Total recovery: Nothing missing nothing broken’
Isaiah 61:7
‘From shame to honour: receiving your inheritance’