2 Kings 13:15-18
Keep Striking the Ground
‘Yahweh Will Deliver’
1. I will recover (Rise-up)
2. I will reposition ( Re-set)
3. Fast Theme: Repossess (The gates)
Prayer Focus: Not by Human Strength but by “My Spirit”
Zechariah 4:6
‘By the empowerment of the Holy Spirit’
Isaiah 40:31
‘My strength comes from waiting on the Lord’
2 Corinthians 12:9
‘Reliance on the Holy Spirit not on human effort’
Ephesians 3:16
‘True strength comes from the Spirit of God that works within us’
Romans 8:13-14
‘The importance of living by His Spirit’
John 15:5
‘Spiritual fruitfulness comes only through remaking in Christ’